This is the final cut of my front cover for my
magazine. As you can see I have kept some features the same as my first draft,
but many features have changed due to audience, peer and teacher feedback. I
have kept the top banner and bottom banner the same due to the positive
comments I received about them, they are also conventional of a music magazine.
Another feature I have kept the same is the information about the main article
inside. Again I kept this because of the good feedback I received about it, I also
kept it because I like the fact it gives away the style of the artist through
colouring and the font type. I have kept the same photo that I decided to use
in my rap front cover rough cut as it looked conventional of the genre due to
the mise en scene of the models. I liked the setting because it gives mystery
to the artists and article because of the dark cave background behind them. I
then added in some of the features that I created for my rap rough cut. This
makes the overall design look like a hip hop magazine, especially with the new
font 'Coluna'. Finally I changed the language used in the text. This helps to
attract the target audience as they will instantly recognise it as a hip hop
magazine. Furthermore, using this distinct slang targets the audience through
synthetic personalisation by using shared deictic knowledge they can use for
diversion and personal identity.
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