Friday, 4 April 2014

Teacher Feedback: Contents Page

-Great Layout.
-Good use of colour and font.
-Appropriate Features
-The overall look is good
- I really like the left hand side of the page.

- Need new photos for the page.
- Still not totally genre-specific.
- Obviously need new photos.
- Needs to be more of a specific genre.

The positives were the same as the ones I got from my peers, the layout, colour scheme and fonts are good. I was also told that it had the appropriate features and the overall design is good, especially the left hand side. I will look to keep the design roughly the same when I change it to be more of a hip hop style. Again I have been told that I need more photos, I am going to put this top of my agenda to make sure it happens. The other improvement was also the same as the last, to make the genre more specific. These are clearly the two main improvements that I need to make so I will put all my focus into making them happen. 

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