Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Welcome to the blog for my AS Media magazine. I will use this blog to show you my progress through my magazine and the evolution of my ideas. I will update my blog every time I develop an idea, or create a new feature. I'll post images of each feature and inform you of the reasons I created it. Then I'll write about what I've learnt from the feature and what improvements I can make next. There are three main stages to creating a successful magazine, a rough cut, a final cut and Evaluation. I have already created a preliminary task, to create my own version of a Whitley Bay High School front cover and contents page for a magazine. I created this using a range of photography skills, Photoshop skills and In-Design skills that I have learnt in the last few weeks. I will then present how I undertook research into, professional and established, music magazines. I will take this research to understand how to craft my own successful magazine.

I look to use some of the most successful magazines as style models for my project. At the moment, I am currently looking into NME and Q as they include variations of music which match my interests. Using magazines which I enjoy, and music which I have my greatest understanding of will benefit me a great deal. If I can express my ideas of what I enjoy, I will be able to establish my greatest designs. Because I have a broad taste of music, NME and Q will be most suitable as they cover all the greatest music of recent times. However I am contemplating a more specific magazine design. This would benefit me as I could choose the genre that I have most knowledge with and use this to my advantage.  

I hope you enjoy looking through my progress and the evolution of my ideas.

Thank You.

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