Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Q Front Cover Research Issue 1

The first issue of Q I will be looking at is a review of 2011, based around Coldplay. They have used a variation of bright and primary colours as this is the theme of their latest album, Mylo Xyloto. This colour scheme also makes the magazine stand out more from the rest, and catch the viewers eye. They play with the colour scheme variation more by using yellow and white text, which stands out even brighter over the colourful background. Making it stand out more will attract the viewer to read it. Using a recent album or style of the band can make it appeal to their fan base and even focus the magazine around them. Because I want the double page spread to be appealing, showing off the basis of the story is important for the front cover. I will make the theme of my front cover around the band. They have positioned the logo Q in the top left corner like NME did. They also use a red and white colour scheme, and also play around with the image and the logo. Instead of leaving it by itself they have created a 3D effect with the image. They have made it so the Q loops around Chris Martin's arm, making the logo look 3D as well as Chris Martin. Playing around with the photo and the logo seems to be a common convention of all these magazines. I may use my logo to create an effect with the image as it can reflect an image of the band and the magazine. For example, Coldplay are know for being artist so the artistic effect works well with the band and reflects on the magazine. They then include the title of the issue '2011 REVIEWED' behind Chris Martin's head, to add more of the 3D effect. The 3D effect is interesting for the audience to look at, it also adds attention to that certain focal point. All the other content, from the middle and bottom third, is placed on top of the graphology. Not only does this reinforce the 3D design, it also makes it easy to read in contraction with the multicoloured background. I will position all the text ontop of the graphology so it is more clear to read. However I won't include much text because I want mine to be image dominated to add more attention to my story.Although the front cover is devoted to Coldplay, there is only a small amount of writing on that article (which is placed on the left side.) This is done to create a great recognition for Coldplay, but also let the other exclusive articles stand out and appeal to the reader. They have included the other article information on the right, and names of other bands/artists included at the bottom. This is done to keep it out the way, so more importance to given to the main article. Again a reflector is used during the photography, from the right side. Extra lighting is added to Chris Martin, but no shadows are shown. I would like to use a reflector when doing my own photography so I can play with the lighting. The lighting really makes a difference when adding effect to the photo. I am currently contemplating a dark them so using a reflector for a small amount of light will work with mine. This helps the viewer see the variation of colours used, which helps the front cover to stand out even more. It also gives conventions of the album, a happy and bright experience. The language used draws the reader in by making it personal with them. They use pronouns, 'ARTISTS WE LOVE,' and ambiguous expressions to get the reader thinking and wanting to find out more, 'THE SECRETS OF COLDPLAY.' Even though I am just using a small amount of text I can still make it effective. I like the idea of amking it personal for the reader as it can link them in with the musicians that they're reading about. 

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