Friday, 28 March 2014

Rough Cut Double Page Spread

This is the rough cut for my double page spread. The colour scheme is different from the other pages as I have personalised it to fit the artists on the page. I made the colour scheme of the artists similar to that of the magazine to stop variation causing the magazine to have a colourful appearance, which is unconventional. Instead I kept the initial colour scheme, red, black and white, then added a dark green to make the artists unique from the rest, which is a convention usually found in hip hop magazines. Dark green is commonly associated with money and has connotations of ambition, greed and jealousy, which all are conventional to the rapper stereotype. I used my style models to notice that most music magazines use the left side of the double page spread for the image, therefore an image dominated approach. I have followed this approach to stay conventional, the only other feature I have used on that page is the name of the rap duo.  I have included all the text and article on the right side of the double page spread. At the top of the page I have used a header for the article to attract the viewer into reading it. Because I have written about new rappers I have included an introduction paragraph to the them. I then go into an interview, using the colour scheme, red and black, to separate the questions from answers. Half way through the article, at the top right, I have included another image for the double page spread. The image is similar to the other one I have used, so I plan to use two different photos for the final cut to add variation and make the images look individually interesting.

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