Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Rough Cut Front Cover

This is the front cover from my rough cut. Because my magazine is going to be created to include a mix between two genres I have taken ideas from both Kerrang! and Vibe. For the header I have used the font Tw Cen MT Condensed which is similar to one I saw used in a Vibe magazine, talking about a rap artist. This convention is then reinforced by my logo which uses a large bold font spreading across the page, this convention is consistent in hip hop magazines. I have styled the name of the main story differently from the rest of the page to help it stand out, this is also going to be the house style of the rappers in the double page spread. On the right I have included short introductions to stories inside the magazine which I also found used on the Kerrang! front cover. However, instead of using a black background to the text I have used white to play on the black clothing the model is wearing. At the bottom of the page I have used another feature I saw on the front cover of the Kerrang! magazine I researched. I have listed all the band names that will be featured in the magazine, using the same plus sign between each name. I have placed the photography behind all the text but in front of the title, which again is conventional of a music magazine. This helps to create a 3D effect with the photography, I have only covered a small amount of the logo to make sure it is still readable. The final feature I have included is the box dedicated to another article inside. Again I saw this feature on the front of the Kerrang! magazine. I included an additional image in it and used a quick description to attract people to the article. I have kept my red, white and black colour scheme consistent throughout the front cover, except for when I wrote about the main article. I did use 2 of my original colours to help it blend in a bit. If I used 3 completely different colours it would cause too much variation causing the magazine to lose its serious tone, this would be unconventional of a rap/rock magazine. 

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